"Story Line"
Based in the 18th century, Thangalaan is a historical action drama film covering the fairy village of Thangalaan that has undergone the despotic chauvinist chieftain. A man of valour, Kathirvan played by Vikram leads into a revolution for independence and liberation to overcome their tyrant ruler over their people.
Here's a brief outline of this storyline:
Oppression and Rebellion: The people of Thangalaan bear the heavy burden of heavy taxes, heavy forced labor, and every other form of injustice at the hands of the chieftain. Kathirvan, warrior hero and pride of Thangalaan, seems the symbol of hope and revolt.
The Quest for Freedom: Kathirvan unites the people of Thangalaan and inspires them to rebel against the oppressive rule of the chieftain. They set off on a perilous trek to seek help from a mighty neighboring kingdom.
Battles and Betrayal: Kathirvan and his companion face a lot of battles of intense combat against the Chieftain's forces and several defeat by internal betrayal.
Final Confrontation: The final climax of the film involves the ultimate confrontation of Kathirvan with the Chief and victory remains with Thangalaan.
Sparkling visuals, uninterrupted action, and the brilliance of performances by the cast are the hallmarks of Thangalaan. It indeed captures a lot of themes as it describes bravery, sacrifices, and the indomitable human will..